Saturday, January 1, 2011

One New Year resolution... Make an animated sequence!

"Ding" Darling !

even from the distance I still find sings of the Onderdonk...

find this sign as you aproach Captiva bayside at Sanibel Islands in Southwest FL.

 a place where 95% of the territory is preserved..

This "Darling" island has managed to resist the purchasing of land by Developers of tourist destinations that created abominalities such as Fort Lauderdale, thanks to the activism of an artist. Jay Norwood Darling.

This notable political cartoonist and conservationist was able to organize all the property owners of both islands to form the Sanibel and Captiva Island Conservation Association. who later established the Sanibel National Wildlife Refuge in an effort that includes Federal and Local goverment.

1929 cartoon refering to the Great Depression
Jay Darling was a visionary who in the 40's foresaw the mistakes of all the other South Florida coastal territories, and set the path for a developement where natural resources recieved a higher priority, and a diverse population can live in harmony with the island's wildlife and its natural habitats.

This post is a tribute to all cartoonists who have the sensibility to enjoy the good simple things in life.  Same as an animator can observe movement and make in to cartoon. 

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!

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